I thought this would be fun to do. I'll be hovering around a private chat channel for a bit to take pixel art requests! I'll mostly be taking icon requests (working in 60x60 is always a fun exercise) but I'm open to other suggestions. (please note that I reserve the right to reject any requests)
If I'm unresponsive, feel free to @ me so I can look at it later. If ng chat isn't your flavour, don't be afraid to pm me! I'll do my best to respond.
Here's the link to the chat room, https://chat.newgrounds.com/c/BJ2U9sDu, maybe I'll see you!
I'll be posting all of the finished requests in a news post or on my art thread later. Have a good one!
*****UPDATE 7/29/16 *******
Thanks to everyone that came out to chat! I'll be working on requests and I'll post a compilation of them when I'm finished. I really appreciate all of your support.
(I forgot to jot down usernames, so if you participated in chat and requested something, don't be afraid to pm me so I can tag you in the compilation post. sorry for the inconvenience!)
Thumbs up