Hello, everyone! I haven't been able to make much pixel art this past year, but I'm super excited to share what I've been working on the past couple of months!
I've been organizing FREE PLAY! Richmond, VA's first queer video games exhibit hosted at The Iridian Gallery, the only LGBTQ-focused exhibit in the southern U.S.
For the past couple of months, we built custom displays for all nine of our games!! and paid for transporting, printing, everything, so that our devs could focus on their games :)
Galleries often take 50% (or more) of artists' commissions! Not only that, but making, transporting, and installing artwork can get pretty expensive! The high price point makes it really hard for artists and game devs to share noncommercial artworks. It's our mission to help mitigate these costs and make it more accessible for game devs to share their art!
We're running a kickstarter campaign to help cover the costs of the exhibit. We're also hoping to secure artist honorarium anD get gameboy cartridges, zines and other merch created!
If you all could share and support the kickstarter, it would mean so so much to me!
We're also having a HUGE PARTY on opening night, January 12 @ 7pm et! You're all invited :) Please stop by and play some games! Thank you so much for all of your support!
yay moawling zomg!